I Know I Should Exercise But...

44 Reasons We Don't Move and How to Get Over Them

This is a must-have book for anyone struggling with the mental barriers to moving more and an essential resource for personal trainers, fitness instructors, and mental health professionals wanting to better connect with their clients.

Stretch your mind and connect with what is truly important to you, and you just might stop making excuses and start making movement!

Break down the common everyday mental blocks to moving your body, and turn your mind from an adversary into an ally in the quest for better health.

get ready to get moving

Does this sound familiar?





“I know I should move my body more, but…


If not, it probably means you have another perfectly good excuse of your own.

Whether your internal barrier is born of fear, malaise, inertia, embarrassment, or difficulty managing competing priorities, you will learn how to disempower it by applying effective science-based tools for changing the way you think.

We all have our reasons for not getting the physical activity we know is good for us—reasons which stubbornly defy the same old tired prescriptive advice about hours of weekly cardio or numbers of steps.

you're in the right place

I Know I Should Exercise But...

An engaging guide for expanding your psychological flexibility to get your body moving more, using the powerful tools of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

As you read it you will discover that this book is not really just for those who want to exercise. It’s for anyone seeking a richer, more intentional relationship with their mind, body, and values. Whether you’re a fitness professional, mental health practitioner, or someone who just wants to get unstuck, this book will make a difference.

A remarkable and timely book that applies the powerful tools of modern psychological science to help readers overcome the mental and emotional barriers to movement

Steven C. Hayes, PhD, Originator of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy


"Not only will Katy and Diana give you the nudge you need, they'll get you to rethink your relationship to movement entirely. Their science-based approach and sassy attitude will help you feel better in your body."

"This is a title you'll want to keep on the shelf for reference."


Manoush Zomorodi, Host of NPR's TED Radio Hour and Body Electric

"It so obviously reflects deep understanding of the barriers people face and compassionate ways to overcome them. These authors understand the challenges you're facing and their judgment-free advice will help you overcome them. Every chapter offers strategies that can help you today, with the body you have and the challenges you face."

"This book is brilliant, I love it. It's the most insightful guide to getting moving I've ever read. "

Kelly McGonigal, author of The Joy of Movement



Explore Questions such as:

When do you feel the most vitality around movement?

You'll learn how thinking about movement differently can help you overcome external barriers, too.

You’ll learn to identify your resistance—whether it’s an unhelpful thought, a misplaced motivation, or a contextual barrier

What about moving your body really matters to you?