
Change Your Life With These Wise Resources by Dr. Diana Hill

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ACT Daily Card Deck

With the ACT Daily Card Deck, you’ll discover the core components of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) right at your fingertips. Each card offers a different skill—such as mindfulness, acceptance, or self-compassion—you can use as needed for a fully customizable approach.  help you get “unstuck” and improve your life.

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ACT Daily Journal

This book/journal is about the six core processes of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)—including mindfulness, acceptance, and values-based living. You'll learn about a seventh: self-compassion, to help you roll with life’s punches, even when you have unpleasant thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations.

Books, Guided Journals, & Card Deck

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The Self-Compassion Daily Journal

This book offers powerful writing prompts grounded in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), mindfulness, and compassion-focused therapy (CFT) to help you let go of harmful self-criticism and instead cultivate kindness and forgiveness toward yourself.

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I Know I Should Exercise But...

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(Available September 2025)

Wise Effort is about feeling alive, being engaged, asking bigger questions, and making decision from your body, head, and heart. It's about getting to know who you are and contributing whtat you have to offer the world with passion and generosity. And it's going to change your life.

Wise Effort

Available Today!

An engaging guide for expanding your Wise Effort and psychological flexibility to get your body moving more, using the powerful tools of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).