Diana as Guest

Catching The Cycle Of Striving

December 14, 2021

Catch The Cycle Of Striving with Dr. Diana Hill on Playing It Safe Podcast


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I'm Diana!

Diana Hill, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, international trainer, and sought-out speaker on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and compassion


Diana Hill joins Dr. Patrica Zurita Ona on the Playing It Safe podcast to discuss how you can catch the cycle of striving.

And in the second part of the conversation, Dr. Hill answers this question: How do yoga and acceptance and commitment skills blend together?

Dr. Hill shares how to:

  • Move from mental experiences into the real direct experiences
  • How to start using an embodied approach to notice internal experiences
  • How you can practice the exercise “one eye in and one eye out” as a starting point to step back from internal experiences.

Finally, at the end of the conversation, you will hear Dr. Hill’s recommendation on how to make the best of the ACT Daily Journal, if you just started working on it.

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