Diana as Host of Wise Effort

Living Life on Your Own Terms With Michael Herold (Real Play)

May 13, 2024

Living Life on Your Own Terms With Michael Herold (Real Play)


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I'm Diana!

Diana Hill, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, international trainer, and sought-out speaker on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and compassion


Michael Herold is a confidence coach, public speaker, and ACT specialist. He also has a neuromuscular condition that may necessitate him leaving his beloved life in Vienna soon. In this real play, Dr. Diana Hill and Michael explore what it would look like to live life on his own terms.

Listen and learn:

  • Why it’s helpful to write your own nightmare review
  • The benefits of making selfishness a value
  • The art of asking for help
  • What it looks like to live a 5-star life

Can Michael turn his life from his feared 2-star review to his fearless 5-star one? Listen to find out!

About Michael Herold

Michael Herold is a confidence coach and social skills trainer. He helps his clients build confidence through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and fun exposure exercises.

Related Resources

Learn more about Michael Herold

Watch Michael Herold’s TedX talk

Book: The Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer

Ash Wednesday poem by TS Eliot with the line “teach me to care and not to care”

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Order Diana’s new book: The Self-Compassion Daily Journal

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On-Demand Course: Unleashing the Power of Process-Based Therapy with Joseph Ciarrochi, Diana Hill and Steven Hayes

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Thank you to the team Craig, Ashley Hiatt and Yoko Nguyen. Thank you to Benjamin Gould of Bell & Branch for your beautiful music.

Remember that with Wise Effort you can put your energy in places that matter and savor the good of your life along the way!

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