Wise Creativity

My ACT Daily Journal Practice

December 18, 2020

A journal, a smartphone and 3 white succulent pots


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I'm Diana!

Diana Hill, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, international trainer, and sought-out speaker on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and compassion


Are you being nibbled by ducks? I use journaling most mornings to build ACT into my daily life. Here are 4 prompts that will get you moving toward a values-rich day today!

  1. Get your Ducks in a row: What are your top tasks for today? Set achievable goals and start tasks the must be completed as you go.
  2. Choose your values: What values do you want to pursue today? Inclusivity? Kindness? Adventure? Creativity? Pick three to be today’s focus and write them down. Commit to bringing these values into your actions throughout the day.
  3. Approach the avoided: What thoughts, emotions, sensations, tasks have you been avoiding? What is one step you’re willing to take today to approach the avoided?
  4. Compassionate self-statement: Write down a statement to yourself that is caring, warm, encouraging. Choose words that build courage and remind you that you deserve kindness.


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