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5-Day ACT Experiential Retreat An Immersive Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Clinical Getaway Dr Diana Hill ACT Pscyhologist Leadership Coach Share Card

ACT Training for Therapists: An Immersive Retreat Experience Join clinical psychologist, author, and ACT expert Dr. Diana Hill at the Sedona Mago Retreat Center near Sedona, Arizona. Are you an […]

ACT Experiential Retreat: An Immersive Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Clinical Getaway

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Foundations of ACT course on Mindful with Dr. Diana Hill | ACT Psychologist | Leadership Coach | Wise Effort

I’m excited to share that my online course, Foundations of ACT is now available through a partnership with Mindful. You can sign up here What I love about ACT, or […]

Foundations of ACT Course on Mindful Launch

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What Do We Really Yearn For With PBT and ACT Founders Steven Hayes and Joseph Ciarrochi

What do you really yearn for? According to Steven Hayes and Joseph Ciarrochi, humans have 6 core yearnings that guide our behavior towards or away from psychological flexibility. In this […]

What Do We Really Yearn For With PBT and ACT Founders Steven Hayes and Joseph Ciarrochi

Wise Relationships

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Sneak Peek of Wise Effort Together with Dr Diana Hill

What do you want to do with this one wild and precious life? In this Wise Effort Together sneak peek, hear highlights from the upcoming 3-day event. What does it […]

Sneak Peek of Wise Effort Together with Jack Kornfield, Trudy Goodman, Stephen Porges, Kate Johnson, Joseph Ciarrochi, Robert Waldinger, Christiana Figueres and more!

Wise Leadership

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(Repost) What It Means To Accept And How To Do It With ACT Expert Dr. Diana Hill

If there’s one skill we all need to be practicing right now, it is acceptance. Acceptance is central to maintaining healthy relationships, making a behavior change, pursuing meaningful goals, and […]

(Repost) What It Means To Accept And How To Do It With ACT Expert Dr. Diana Hill

Wise Relationships

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people walking on trail in nature

We all have internal barriers to getting more movement. Here are 5 steps to move more using psychological flexibility.

Want To Move Your Body More? Psychological Flexibility Can Help


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sunset journaling

How to cultivate non-attachment with the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy principle of “self-as-context.”

Why Non-Attachment May Be Key to Your Success


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Unhealthy Striving with Dr. Diana Hill on The Lisa Show podcast

Listen to Diana Hill on The Lisa Show hosted by BYU Radio to talk about unhealthy striving, and how to be more skillful in our striving.

Unhealthy Striving

Diana as Guest

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Healthy Striving And Psychological Flexibility With Dr. Diana Hill on The Sonya Looney Show

Diana Hill is on Sonya Looney Show to talk about healthy striving, psychological flexibility, mindfulness, and productivity anxiety.

Healthy Striving And Psychological Flexibility

Diana as Guest

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