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Nourish Your Values Using Functional Contextualism and Interbehaviorism With Dr. Emily Sandoz.mp3

Everything you do and feel occurs in a context. You are shaped by your learning history, your environment, other people, and you are continuously shaping the world around you. In […]

Nourish Your Values Using Functional Contextualism and Interbehaviorism With Dr. Emily Sandoz

Wise Relationships

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Sneak Peek of Wise Effort Together with Dr Diana Hill

What do you want to do with this one wild and precious life? In this Wise Effort Together sneak peek, hear highlights from the upcoming 3-day event. What does it […]

Sneak Peek of Wise Effort Together with Jack Kornfield, Trudy Goodman, Stephen Porges, Kate Johnson, Joseph Ciarrochi, Robert Waldinger, Christiana Figueres and more!

Wise Leadership

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people walking on trail in nature

We all have internal barriers to getting more movement. Here are 5 steps to move more using psychological flexibility.

Want To Move Your Body More? Psychological Flexibility Can Help


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blooming agaves

Getting unstuck from negative body image with ACT by observing body image experiences with compassion and taking action toward your values.

Being Thin Is Not a Value


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LIVE ONLINE COURSE Register Here 8 CE Hours available   Over the course of 4 interactive sessions, you’ll learn… The fundamentals of the psychological flexibility model and the 6 core […]

ACT Daily: Cultivating client psychological flexibility in everyday living

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Body Image Summit

[button link=”” color=”red”] Register Here[/button] Body Image Summit LIVE Online Conference | February 24-25, 2022 8:30AM-5:50PM (CST)   Presenter: Diana Hill, PhD (she/her) Session: ACT for Body Acceptance—Help Clients Confront […]

Body Image Summit

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cactus shaped as heart

Your problems are important, but what can be harder to see and equally as important, are the values underlying your emotional discomfort.

What Bothers You May Be Connected To Your Values


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family on rings hanging

Let’s face it. We all need to be moving more. Even if you go to the gym for an hour a day, and sit for the rest of the day, […]

How to Move Your Body More With Compassion


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hourglass in hand at the ocean

We are often caught in the trap of believing that we’ll feel better at some point in the future, when life circumstances change. Clients will frequently tell me (and I’ve […]

Do You Think “I’ll Feel Better When…?” Try This Instead


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