Diana as Host of Wise Effort

Transform Perfectionism into Social Contribution with Sonya Looney

August 12, 2024

In this episode, Diana and Sonya discuss the challenges of perfectionism, how to practice wise effort at work, and how to transform perfectionism into social contribution.

Transform Perfectionism into Social Contribution with Sonya Looney


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I'm Diana!

Diana Hill, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, international trainer, and sought-out speaker on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and compassion


In this episode of the Wise Effort Show, Dr. Diana Hill, a clinical psychologist, discusses the challenges of perfectionism and how to practice wise effort at work with Sonya Looney, a world-champion mountain biker. They explore the intersection of high performance and well-being, ways to transform perfectionism into social contribution, and the importance of support during personal and professional transitions. 

Listen and Learn

  • Ways to handle crossroads at work
  • Interactions between perfectionism and social contribution
  • The power of impacting just one person
  • How to evaluate success based on how you define success

Listen as Diana and Sonya share personal experiences and practical insights to help listeners loosen their grip on perfectionism and focus on meaningful contributions.

About Sonya Looney

I’m interested in the integration of high performance and well-being through positive psychology, contemplative practices, and sport.  I’ve been able to explore topics like grit, mindset, self-worth, purpose, success, happiness, and healthy striving through my life journeys of becoming mountain bike World Champion, racing internationally, my Master’s in Applied Positive Psychology (in progress), getting my Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering, moving to a new country, having children, and continuing to carve my own path in my business.  I’m motivated by curiosity, love of learning, gratitude, and helping others.

Episode 61: How to Use Wise Effort to Pursue Big Goals, Know When to Quit, and Make New Friends with Sonya Looney 

Sonya Looney’s website

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On-Demand Course: Unleashing the Power of Process-Based Therapy with Joseph Ciarrochi, Diana Hill and Steven Hayes

Want to learn more about ACT? Take Diana’s on-demand course Foundations of ACT

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