Diana as Host of Wise Effort

Three Simple Tips to Turn Your Energy Around Each Day

May 27, 2024

3 Simple Tips to Turn Your Energy Around Each Day


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I'm Diana!

Diana Hill, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, international trainer, and sought-out speaker on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and compassion


Sometimes, more isn’t more when putting your energy toward your values. If you are a high achiever or like to put your all into things, you must become more skillful and strategic about using your effort. In this skill-building episode, Diana Hill offers three simple but impactful tips to rebuild your energy to keep doing what you love without burning out.

You learn:

  • The significance of noticing the point of diminishing returns
  • How to diversify your energy diet
  • The benefits of  productive procrastination
  • The importance of having more fun in your daily life

About Diana Hill

Diana Hill, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, international trainer, and sought-out speaker on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and compassion. Host of the podcast Wise Effort and author of The Self-Compassion Daily Journal, The ACT Daily Journal, and the upcoming book Wise Effort, Diana works with organizations and individuals to develop psychological flexibility so that they can grow fulfilling and impactful lives.

Integrating her 20+ years of meditation experience with yoga and psychological training, Diana leads retreats and workshops internationally at InsightLA, Blue Spirit Costa Rica, PESI, Praxis Continuing Education, Yoga Soup, and Insight Timer Meditation. She is on the board of the Institute for Better Health and blogs for Psychology Today and Mindful.org. Diana practices what she preaches in her daily life as a mom of two boys and bee guardian. Go to drdianahill.com or her channels on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube (@drdianahill) to learn more.

Related Resources

Listen to Diana’s Real Play with confidence coach Michael Herold

Listen to Diana’s Interview with Erin Westgate 

Listen to Diana’s Real Play with Jennie Nash

Appetite Awareness Training Workbook By Linda Craighead

Order Diana’s new book: The Self-Compassion Daily Journal

Subscribe to Diana’s free Wise Effort newsletter

Become a Wise Effort member to support the show.

On-Demand Course: Unleashing the Power of Process-Based Therapy with Joseph Ciarrochi, Diana Hill and Steven Hayes

Want to learn more about ACT? Take Diana’s on-demand course, Foundations of ACT

Diana’s Events

Sign up for Diana’s Costa Rica Rica 2025

Meditate with Diana at Yoga Soup

Learn from Diana at an upcoming event

Connect With Diana

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Thank you to the team Craig, Ashley Hiatt and Yoko Nguyen. Thank you to Benjamin Gould of Bell & Branch for your beautiful music.

Remember that with Wise Effort you can put your energy in places that matter and savor the good of your life along the way!

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