If you don’t feel positive about your body image, it’s not your fault. You have a brain designed to seek out flaws, a learning history that may have punished or praised certain body features, and a culture built around unrealistic body expectations. In this episode of Your Life in Process, Diana discusses the concept of body image flexibility, a newer psychological term that describes your ability to be present with and accept uncomfortable feelings and thoughts about your body, while creating a life that matters to you.

About Dr. Diana Hill

Diana Hill, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist, speaker, and co-author of ACT Daily Journal: Get unstuck and live fully with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. A specialist in Acceptance and Commitment Training, Diana guides high achievers, leaders, and organizations to develop psychological flexibility so that they can take wise action toward more fulfilling and meaningful lives. Diana hosts the podcast Your Life in Process, blogs for Psychology Today, teaches on Insight Timer, is on the clinical advisory board of Lightfully Behavioral Health, and is a guest teacher at InsightLA, Blue Spirit Costa Rica, PESI, and PraxisCET. Go to drdianahill.com or her channels on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube (@drdianahill) to learn more.

Key Takeaways

  • Body image flexibility, which emphasizes awareness of emotions and thoughts about your body while living a life you value, is an alternative perspective to the body positivity movement.
    Being present in your body is central to noticing what your body needs, grounding in the wisdom of your body, and opening up to the practice of connecting with your body.
    Living fully free in our bodies allows us to decide to show up for our life rather than becoming stuck in the story of waiting until our bodies meet an impossible standard to live our lives.

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Thank you to the team Craig, Angela Stubbs, Ashley Hiatt, and Abby Diehl. Thank you to Benjamin Gould of Bell & Branch for your beautiful music.

Remember when you become psychologically flexible, you become free.

Find out what kind of Striver you are...

and what you can do to Strive more skillfully!

1 / 9

Which striving statement best describes you?

2 / 9

Which of these would make you most satisfied?

3 / 9

Which of these would make you most dissatisfied?

4 / 9

Which of these states would you most like to avoid?

5 / 9

How would your friends describe you?

6 / 9

How do you respond when you are stressed?

7 / 9

Which characteristic do you most identify with?

8 / 9

When you are experiencing difficult emotions, how do you tend to respond?

9 / 9

Which statement best describes you?

Want more information about your Striver type and practical strategies to help you become a Skillful Striver?
