
What You’ll Learn From The Wise Effort Show with Dr. Diana Hill

November 22, 2021

Wise Effort with Dr. Diana Hill is a show about how to live wisely. You’ll learn how to put your energy into places that matter most to you while making […]

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I'm Diana!

Diana Hill, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, international trainer, and sought-out speaker on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and compassion


Wise Effort with Dr. Diana Hill is a show about how to live wisely. You’ll learn how to put your energy into places that matter most to you while making a difference in the world. This show is for you because

  • You are a high achiever who knows how to get things done, but you’re getting burned out by overfilling your plate with stuff that doesn’t matter to you.
  • You want to put your energy in places that feed you. You have a lot of heart to give, but the way you are giving isn’t sustainable.
  • You are interested in more holistic ways of living, but you don’t want just another wellness checklist that will make you feel bad when you don’t complete it.
  • You care about the factors that impact your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
  • You are interested in science but not so rigidly attached to research to explore the edges of the mystery of spirituality and contemplative practice.
  • You’re open-minded and have a beginner’s mind.
  • Most importantly, you believe deep down inside that there’s a better way to do this, and you are ready to put some of your wisdom into practice.

We don’t have to burn ourselves out or engage in things that are not worth it. We can put our energy where it matters most and savor the good along the way.

Join us at Wise Effort! The weekly show is geared toward the general public and offers you a fresh perspective on self-help. You will gain wisdom and build skills from clinical science and integrative health to grow more psychologically flexible and flourish in your daily life.

About Dr. Diana Hill

Diana Hill, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, international trainer, and sought-out speaker on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and compassion. Host of the podcast Wise Effort with Dr. Diana Hill and author of The Self-Compassion Daily Journal, The ACT Daily Journal, and the upcoming book Wise Effort, Diana works with organizations and individuals to develop psychological flexibility so that they can grow fulfilling and impactful lives. Go to drdianahill.comor her channels on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube (@drdianahill) to learn more.

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Thank you to the team Craig, Ashley Hiatt and Yoko Nguyen. Thank you to Benjamin Gould of Bell & Branch for your beautiful music.

Remember that with Wise Effort you can put your energy in places that matter and savor the good of your life along the way!

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